vrijdag 16 maart 2012

Easter in Amsterdam

For some, Easter holds deep religious meaning. Others in Europe are happy to celebrate with picnics and fun modernized Pagan traditions. I can't help but think back to when I was 3 and my mom made me easter bunny Pancakes or the Big basket filled with stuffed bunnies, books, and treats followed by a fun indoor egg hunt at my Grandparents every year.

I actually smuggled a bunch of plastic eggs, stuffed bunnies, and Easter goodies from the US. I was thinking about having a quiet brunch at the inlaws house and letting my son and his cousin hunt for eggs but if you and your family are up for some DIY Crafts or an outdoor adventure it may be worth checking a few of these places out:

  • Artis Zoo Artis the Partis would probablly tell you this is the best place to be come easter morning. They are hosting a buffet styled brunch for adults and children. There will also be an easter egg hunt! You have to book ahead so take a peak now!
  • Pure Market Pure Market will be setting up in the lovely Amstelpark! With amazing food and unique vendors it's sure to have lot's of color! And once you are finished walking through, you can hit up the amazing playground, hop on the retro train, and  visit the farm located there also! Be sure to bring cash and lots of pocket change as there isn't an ATM close by!
  • Host your own at a local spot or Borderijs (children's farms). Many local and nieghborhood farms will be hosting easter egg hunts or are willing to allow you to use their space. Parks are a great place to meet with friends for a picnic. One mentioned on Iamsterdam: Easter Party at Petting Zoo Bijlmerweide
Want to celebrate Easter on a budget? It doesn't have to be expensive to be fun for the whole Family. Make your own crafts and games and as for the rest- check out these other great ideas:

Ideas for for Plastic Egg Fillers other than Candy (a delima I am currently facing)
  • Change (maybe some Euros to stick in the ole' Piggy bank?) 
  • Stickers
  • The little pills that you put in water and watch grow. Xenos and Wibra has the wash cloth versions!
  • Seeds (plant them together when Easter is over )
  • Hot Wheel Cars or small race cars
  • Hair ribbons and bows
  • Bouncy Balls
  • Erasers
  • Lip Gloss
  • Whistles (if you are brave and have ear plugs)
  • Fruit Snacks
  • Silly Bands (arm bands or bracelets)
  • Small containers of bubbles (check Blokker)
  • Coupons (You can make them: "Good for one extra bed time story, etc...")
  • Legos (they have smalls sets, you could divide the pieces amongst different eggs)
  • Playdough
  • Army men
  • Plastic Animals/Bugs
  • Marshmallows (Hema has colored Easter shapes for the holiday)
  • Rubber Stamps
  • Pony Tail holders
  • Marbles
  • Tattoos (again, not a fan, but I know lots of kids love them)
  • Mini nail polish
  • Lip gloss/ Chap Stick
  • Fake Little Chick deorations.
  • Fun Bath soaps

Basket Fillers:
  • *Check out your local Wibra, Hema, Albert Hein, Xenos, or Zeeman's for inexpensive Easter decorations and treats!
  • Stuffed Bunny or chicks
  • Easter books
  • Easter coloring books (loved the ones at Wibra)
  • An egg coloring kit

woensdag 14 maart 2012

Free Printable Emergency Contact sheet

Late one evening, last month my son tripped and fell against our open heater (called a Moederheart in Dutch). Although his hand only touched it for a second to support his fall I knew something was very wrong by the sound of his cry. Both my partner and I panicked. I tried to find the number of the local huisartsepost which is the afterhours general practitioner.

While I mainly wanted to call to ask if we should come in and what type of first aid we could do, I understand that it's important to call before going in as they may have a waiting list to be seen.

Despite my averagely good Dutch language skills, I managed to find the hospital page that the huisartsepost was linked to, but not the number to call! Both I and my Dutch partner got frustrated and all in all it felt like it became a much bigger deal than it actually was! In the end he found the number and by the time we got to the huisartsepost my son had swollen red welts and blisters covering his hand!

This all got me to thinking about when Daddy goes on his first business trip away from us next month. I'm not sure what I'd do without him, but being prepared seems to be the key!

So without further ado, I made this handy free printable Contact sheet that you can fill out and tack to a door or refrigerator.

If there is an emergency, it will be the first thing I go to and I can just take it along to the Doctor or hospital with me to help out with those Dutch translations (I hate to admit it but my brain goes a bit blank when I'm worried or panic). It's also great to leave for other care takers than yourself such as babysitters or your Nanny.

I hope some one else finds this helpful and can avoid what we went through!

zondag 4 maart 2012

Free Printable Grocery Shopping List

You can tell with my over flowing basket that I'm not the typical Dutch person in the grocery check out line. I find it too difficult to make multiple uneccesary trips to the grocery store (with a toddler in hand mind you), and I also like to speedily shop around for best quality, sometimes organic and budget deals when I can. Forgetting things is not an option for this Mom on a mission.

To be perfectly honest, it drives me a crazy when I'm out of the house and someone drinks all the milk or eats all of something and I don't see it until I need it and have to trek back to the store and stand in the long line for one thing.

That's why I created the English / Dutch shopping list. It's handy when you plan your weekly family meals. Print it, hang it on your Fridge and as family members use all of a product they can tick it off so you don't accidently miss something while doing your weekly shopping!