zondag 4 maart 2012

Free Printable Grocery Shopping List

You can tell with my over flowing basket that I'm not the typical Dutch person in the grocery check out line. I find it too difficult to make multiple uneccesary trips to the grocery store (with a toddler in hand mind you), and I also like to speedily shop around for best quality, sometimes organic and budget deals when I can. Forgetting things is not an option for this Mom on a mission.

To be perfectly honest, it drives me a crazy when I'm out of the house and someone drinks all the milk or eats all of something and I don't see it until I need it and have to trek back to the store and stand in the long line for one thing.

That's why I created the English / Dutch shopping list. It's handy when you plan your weekly family meals. Print it, hang it on your Fridge and as family members use all of a product they can tick it off so you don't accidently miss something while doing your weekly shopping!

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